Depression is a widespread mental health condition that has the potential to affect everyone. Depression affects more than 15% of Americans annually and is the leading cause of disability for people aged 15-44 in the U.S., according to The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). It is a severe illness that can interfere with daily life and make it difficult for those suffering from depression and anxiety to go about their everyday tasks, such as working and caring for themselves or their families.
- Causes of Depression
The most significant risk factor for depression is genetics. Studies have shown that if one immediate family member has had depression, the risk of having it is twice as likely for you.
Stress is another common cause of depression and has been linked to changes in brain chemistry in the limbic system which can lead to feelings of hopelessness, low self-esteem, anxiety, and aggression. Traumatic events like sexual or physical abuse, natural disasters, and significant losses are also linked to a heightened risk for depression.
- Treatment Methods for Depression
Many people go untreated for depression because the symptoms are often overlooked; a common misconception is that depression is simply a low mood and goes away on its own. Untreated depression can be dangerous, leading to suicidal thoughts and attempts. Treatment of depression can be very effective, but there are several different types of treatments, and each works best for other individuals. If a loved one suffers from depression, be there for them and encourage them to get the help they need from New Horizon Counseling Center.
- Getting involved in Depression Awareness Month
This month-long event has been created to raise awareness of depression and mental health. There are numerous ways you can get involved in the month-long campaign. You can research and build a website about depression and mental health about how your life has been affected by mental illness. You can spread the word and encourage others in your life to get involved. New Horizon is an organization that works to improve the lives of all those affected by mental illness.
New Horizon Counseling Center is a non-profit organization founded by former psychiatric nurses who all have had personal struggles with depression and anxiety. New Horizon counseling center aims to provide a safe, affordable mental health treatment option for those in need. We offer individual therapy, family counseling, couples counseling, and group sessions focusing on depression, anxiety, and life transitions. One-to-one treatment can also be done if needed.